I (Jerrican) just attended the health screening class facilitated by Sanaz and thought I could write something that is bothering me…

Health Screening Class for Personal Trainers

Recently, there was a published article in The Sun reminding us that heart disease is NUMBER ONE killer in Malaysia. My friend’s father (who looks healthy from the outside) recently got a heart attack at age 47, suffered a stroke and lost memory (can’t remember his family). I am sorry for you S!

Hmm…I would not be surprised that quite a number of PT clients are walking time-bomb!

With the emergence of popular fitness programmes like P90x, Crossfit, Isanity, Viper(wrong spelling), bootcamp and etc… which promotes high intensity drills or great results in short time. I personally in favour of such programmes but we have to consider the walking time bomb PT clients. Are they safe to do this?

Jeremy Ng, an ACE certified PT shared this picture with me (thanks Jeremy!) which he took from Singapore park…

ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) has identified several risk factors for CAD. Among them are sedentary lifestyle, smoking, obesity & etc… which most Malaysians would score positive for these factors.  ACSM has mentioned that people with moderate risk factors are not encouraged to do vigorous exercise until medical clearance is obtained.

Most personal trainers are only keen to perform body fat analysis but looking at this issue personal trainers need to have the ability to assess client’s health history and know how to make exercise modifications to ensure exercise is safe and effective.

Personal Trainers,

In practice, how much care do you take to ensure your client is SAFE during exercise? Do you know what to do if they have a certain medical condition? Are you CPR certified? What if they say their condition is mild?

Personal Training is NOT just about cool apparels/gadgets!