We HEAR you! That’s why Certified Fitness Instructor is now in..

As the fitness industry is booming, we are getting overwhelming enquiries on Certified Fitness Instructor (CFI) and if it’s possible to conduct the course in Mandarin. SO, here you go! This March, we will be running our very first bilingual CFI course. Check out the full course description HERE.

随着人们对于健康与外貌的执着,健身行业日渐扩展,周围的健身中心也明显巨增。如果你对健身有兴趣,又喜欢不刻板,有挑战性的工作,那这 3 天的健身指导员培训课程也许就成为你迈向成功的起跑点!详情请点击。