Snatch, Swing, Jerk & Clean with Kettlebell!

Add colours to your client’s training by including Kettlebell training into their exercise program! It’s an equally effective workout for client who wishes to build strength or improve athletic performance!

In this course you will learn technical proficiency in performing the various core kettlebell lifts – kettlebell swing, snatch, clean and jerk. You also learn how to spot and train clients safe and effectively. Never miss the progression of kettlebell movements based on the client’s current skill level; and implement Kettlebell fitness programmes based on clients’ goals and current fitness levels.

Majority section of this workshop will be practical to ensure you ‘Get it right and do it right’ with the Kettlebell Core Lift Techniques with an opportunity to learn and practice the core kettlbell lifts – swing, snatch, clean, press and jerk. Participants will also learn the variations and safety precautions for the each of the movements.

Come and enjoy this with us!